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Final Version - Rule Change Proposal #7 (Substitute Incentives) << Previous thread | Next thread >>
Moderators: noodles, MarkB
Author Post
Tue Apr 14 2015, 04:14p.m.
Mark Blume

Registered Member #81
Joined: Mon Oct 14 2013, 08:54a.m.

Posts: 1986
After the conclusion of the season and before the rookie draft, the commissioner will hold a lottery using the information provided through Rule 15.2. For each game played as a substitute, the member who volunteered will be given one credit. Credits earned will be entered into a random lottery to distribute rookie draft choices given up by teams penalized for non-participation. Rookie draft choices given up by a previous owner through penalty will be retained by the new owner but will be added as supplemental picks in each applicable draft round for the purpose of the non-participation lottery. Example: A number two pick in the second round (draft choice 2.2) forfeited by a previous owner will be retained by the new owner. The penalized pick will be added to the round as pick 2.25.

Add the following:
A league member does not receive a rookie draft pick as a result of the non-participation lottery described in above (either because no draft picks for penalized teams were available to be awarded in the lottery, or the the member did not receive a pick in the lottery) would receive an extra rookie draft pick. These picks would be at the end of the last round (currently the 7th round) of the rookie draft. These picks would not be tradable. Draft order of these picks will go according to regular draft order if multiple teams are awarded these extra picks.

As in-coming commissioner, one of my big goals is for the weekly league file to be posted at the same say/time each week. Knowing the file will be released on a consistent basis each week will make it easier for people with busy schedules to schedule games in advance. Therefore I'd like to give incentives to people who volunteer as a substitute coach incentive to get games played and keep the league on schedule.

Right now a member who substitutes may not receive anything other than the enjoyment of playing the game for being a substitute. In the 2014 season there were five substitute coaches, and only one draft pick was awarded. So four of the five members who substituted received nothing for substituting. I know we don't have a big issue with members needing a substitute coaches, but when they do , I'd like to propose this change to provide additional incentives for substitute coaches and make it easier for a coach who needs a substitute to find one quickly.

Substitute coaches would be arranged by the Commissioner (or a 3rd party assigned to do it if we choose). This guarantees all teams interested would get a fair chance to sub.

A similar system (awards are greater) works well in another league (AFC) that some of us are in together.

[ Edited Tue Apr 14 2015, 04:15p.m. ]
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Wed Apr 15 2015, 03:17a.m.

Registered Member #1
Joined: Mon Feb 18 2008, 02:12a.m.

Posts: 1270
While I approve of the intention behind this proposal, I have to oppose it as it is currently written. I'm unclear as to whether it grants one seventh round pick to each team that volunteered to substitute or a seventh round pick for each time a team volunteered to substitute. I sub often. One year I think I subbed six times. Do I then get six extra 7th round picks or just one? If the latter, how is it fair that my six subs are considered to be the same as someone else's one time as a sub? If the former, as much as I would love to get an extra six picks in the seventh round, I worry about getting an unfair advantage and that the FA Draft pool will be diluted in the next season by all the extra picks I received. My second concern is adding another layer of bureaucracy to the league. Currently, someone requesting a sub chooses from the pool of volunteers (typically one or two) following the guidelines in place. With the added incentive of an extra guaranteed draft pick, I anticipate multiple volunteer substitutes per request and the need for someone beyond the requesting owner to decide who is granted the right to play as a sub. That opens up the possibility of griping about who that third party decides to grant the sub opportunity. Moreover, sub requests always come in at the end of the active league week and I wonder about the practicality of involving a third party in the scheduling negotiations.

I think the current system works well so I recommend that we reject this amendment. As someone who subs on average more than anyone else, if it is voted in y'all will be doing me a favor.

[ Edited Wed Apr 15 2015, 03:44a.m. ]
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Wed Apr 15 2015, 08:33a.m.
Mark Blume

Registered Member #81
Joined: Mon Oct 14 2013, 08:54a.m.

Posts: 1986
noodles wrote ...

While I approve of the intention behind this proposal, I have to oppose it as it is currently written. I'm unclear as to whether it grants one seventh round pick to each team that volunteered to substitute or a seventh round pick for each time a team volunteered to substitute.

I think the current system works well so I recommend that we reject this amendment. As someone who subs on average more than anyone else, if it is voted in y'all will be doing me a favor.

"would receive an extra rookie draft pick." - meaning ONE pick regardless of how many time the member played as a substitute coach.

I think the current system works well also. However under the current system, someone who subs (an possibly everyone who subbed) will most likely get the same reward as someone who did not sub at all........Nothing.
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Wed Apr 15 2015, 08:58a.m.

Registered Member #1
Joined: Mon Feb 18 2008, 02:12a.m.

Posts: 1270
"I think the current system works well also. However under the current system, someone who subs (an possibly everyone who subbed) will most likely get the same reward as someone who did not sub at all........Nothing. "

Good point. Thanks for the clarification.
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Wed Apr 15 2015, 12:13p.m.

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Thu Apr 16 2015, 02:13a.m.

I support this idea
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Fri Apr 17 2015, 09:25a.m.

Registered Member #1
Joined: Mon Feb 18 2008, 02:12a.m.

Posts: 1270
Send this to ballot.
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Sat Apr 18 2015, 09:32p.m.
Registered Member #11
Joined: Mon Sep 01 2008, 06:29p.m.

Posts: 328
Warrington does not support this proposal
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